
Vortrag über das welt-erste Art Game, seinerzeit vorgestellt bei der Ars Electronica 1995 beim Internationalen Subotron-Kongress im Museumsquartier, kuratiert von Jogi Hofmüller, moderiert von Robert Glashüttner.

...ArsDoom is widely regarded as the first example of artistic modification of video games. It was created in 1995 and was shown at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz the same year. ArsDoom and later, in 2005, ArsDoom 2 were episodes in my work as a media designer and media artist - admittedly important episodes that also influenced my research. But game design was not always at the center of my work. During the briefing, our host Jogi Neufeld therefore suggested that I present the Arsdoom project a little in the context of other projects that correlate with ArsDoom, which I'm happy to do here....

Abb.: Screen ArsDoom 1; 1995

Abb.: ArsDoom 2; 2005

Abb.: ArsDoom 2, ZKM, 2005

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